IME2017技术论坛-5G及毫米波频段下的电路性能的考量 |
演讲公司:Rogers罗杰斯 |
中/英文主题:5G及毫米波频段下的电路性能的考量 |
演讲人:Evan Yuan 职务:Technical Marketing Engineer |
会议概要: |
多年前,微波频段的应用还仅局限于如军事,航天,卫星等通信技术,很少用于商用通信设施。然而,最近,随着移动通信对带宽和传输速率等的需求,微波毫米波频段的应用被广泛讨论,并将应用于多个商用领域,如5G、汽车雷达等。工程师对于电路的设计也由几个GHz向几十GHz的毫米波频段变化。微波/毫米波频段下的电路设计不同于低频频段,存在诸多因素影响电路的性能。本文将对5G微波/毫米波频段的电路性能进行分析,讨论基于电路的PCB材料各种参数,设计加工如何影响电路性能;以及不同电路中PCB材料的哪些参数对性能影响起决定性作用。从而指导工程师在设计微波/毫米波电路时如何选择PCB电路材料,以获得最优的电路性能。 |
Some years ago, mmWave circuits were only used on military, airspace and satellite communication, very few on commercial infrastructure. However, recently, with the demand for bandwidth, capability and huge data increasing of wireless communication, mmWave circuits were discussed more and more, and implemented in many fields, such as 5G and automotive radar. Designers have to change their circuits to work from low frequency bands to very high frequency bands. The circuit designs at mmWave frequency band are much more different than low frequency band, and there are many factors which can degrade circuit performance. This presentation will analyze why mmWave circuit performance was degraded, discuss how circuit PCB parameters, designs, and fabrication affect the performance, as well as, which PCB parameter is the most critical to different circuit. To help designers to consider PCB circuit materials selections for mmWave circuits applications, and obtain optimum performance. |
专家介绍: |
Evan Yuan(袁署光)是罗杰斯公司技术市场工程师,负责罗杰斯射频PCB材料的电气性能及PIM的评估,和材料在各种电路应用中的研究,以及支持客户应用中 的一些电气性能方面的问题。 Evan曾就职于中兴通讯、诺基亚、飞利浦等无线射频部门,长期从事射频电路方面的设计。 |
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